Sorry you missed our live broadcast! You can still catch up on Facebook for Business Pages by streaming the video above. See you next week!
This week Facebook is rolling out one of the biggest changes yet to its Pages for Business offerings. The new streamlined look is designed to match the updated design rolled out to personal profiles recently on the web, and will make it easier for visitors to find the information they want while helping page admins find the tools they use most.
We’ll give you a full tour of the changes this Wednesday at Noon CT via, but here are a few key points:
- Timeline has been reworked to be one-column vs. two. All posts are displayed consistently and linearly.
- The left-side column now features information about your business, including a map, hours, phone and website URL, plus photos and videos.
- Custom tabs have now taken a back-seat under the “More…” section under the page cover photo.
- Key admin tools are within easy reach, including detail on ads your’e running and new likes.
- A new “pages to watch” feature is available to help admins compare their sites to competitors and pages similar to their own.
Tune in on Wednesday for all the details! The change will roll out to all pages starting this week, and you can add your page to the waitlist starting now. See you Wednesday!
Join our weekly Buzz Builders webinar Wednesday, 3/19 at noon. These LIVE webinars will give you the tips and tools you need to grow your business online, and include live Q&A and tech support. To find out more, register at, or you can always reach us at 612-4-BIZZY-0 (612-424-9990).
To attend this FREE webinar (and ask questions in advance), register at!
The first nine people to join will be able to ask questions live, and all others will be able to watch live and chat-in questions. We’ll be running a simultaneous chat on Google+ to take questions, and “operators will be standing by” for your phone questions.
Note: This Event will be held via Google Plus Hangout. Please register at to get access to the hangout page and review past events.
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Don’t have a Google Account or aren’t on Google Plus? Directions on how to setup an account on G+.
Also check out our Buzz Builders LinkedIn Group.
Have a topic you’d like to see covered on the Buzz Builders call? Let us know in comments below!
See you next week, and remember, at BizzyWeb we help you Generate Buzz Without Getting Stung!
(p.s. – did you remember to register at Great. Thanks.)
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