This week on our FREE Buzz Builders webinar (at noon on Wednesday) is what we like to call the “Ask a Lawyer” segment. Erin Swanson from ES Swanson Law will help us with the legalities of posting images on the web. Also featured: A great tool for posting FREE images on the web,, and how to use PhotoPin with your WordPress
Dave elsewhere: Measurement in the land of 140 characters or less
Just posted an article on social media measurement on IABC's website that digs into what it takes to produce award-winning social media campaigns. Even if you're not into awards, there's some great tips from the judging process in this article that will help you start with the end in mind and create affective online
Blue-ribbon communication tracks toward results
Last month I had the honor of joining an elite panel of communicators from all over the world at the blue ribbon panel judging session for IABC's Gold Quill awards. It was an incredible experience to decide the merits of the best-of-the-best communications programs in the world with a group of judges from 10 countries and 6 continents. Panel judges
IABC Leadership Conference: San Diego
Much learned, mostly about how to engage and manage volunteers. Things to look into: Wiki technology, or perhaps something simpler like Yahoo Groups or Google Groups, to manage documents, handle discussions and track progress of group activities/projects. More after I get a chance to pore over my notes.